Vesta Mansion: Book One - The Power Inside Read online

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Yes, that’ll be no problem, it might take a week or two, but it’ll be fine.

  Alex walked over to Asima, and she followed the solicitors gaze. She was now looking at the man whose life she saved a few nights ago, and the one who freed her. She embraced him, which he wasn’t expecting. ‘Hey,’ he said, and whispered. ‘Don’t worry, we know of your problem and George will sort it out for you.’

  ‘He can do that for me?’

  ‘He tells me he can, trust George, I believe he can do anything.’

  Asima broke the embrace and stepped back. ‘Thank you again, I think.’

  ‘There’s no need as I should be the one thanking you, which leaves me wanting to know something.’

  ‘And what would that be?’

  ‘How did they capture you? I can’t imagine you being taken forcibly by anyone.’

  ‘Ignorance or just stupidity. I followed the girls making sure no men got too close, but some creatures were chasing them, I killed a few.’


  Asima nodded. ‘I have no idea what they were and more were coming. I had to let the girls run ahead while I slowed them down.’

  ‘Was there no one else around?’

  ‘Not until I caught up with the girls, they were caught by the men who took us to that house. When I tried to stop them something hit my neck, and the next thing I knew I was in a cage.’

  ‘Sounds about right, those guys were too cowardly to take you on.’

  ‘I believe they were going to kill me the night you freed us as I was too unsafe for their customers.’

  Alex rubbed his chin. ‘That wouldn’t surprise me in the least.’

  ‘How did you open the cages?’

  He had forgotten about that, and decided to try it again as soon as he could. ‘I don’t know, I just put my hand on the lock and it opened.’

  Asima raised an eyebrow. ‘But you still came to rescue them, and me.’

  ‘Yeah, I’d have done anything for them, as I would you now. Why were you watching out for them?’

  ‘My people sent me as their protector.’

  ‘Who are they?’

  ‘The Vrede people in Africa.’

  Alex’s eyes widened. ‘I’ve never heard of them.’

  ‘Not many have, we are very secretive.’

  ‘You came all the way here to protect my daughters? How did that come about?’

  ‘The elders always knew, and were told a long time ago that one of us would become the children’s protector. From an early age they taught me to fight and learn English until the time was right for me to come here. There were a few who knew of us, and helped get transport for me. I had to travel by ship before I arrived here, and it wasn’t something I would like to do again.’

  ‘It’s a great distance to come and find them, and at the right time.’

  Asima nodded. ‘I don’t know what the elders did to me, but I knew exactly where to be.’

  Alex wanted to ask why she was chosen to protect his daughters, and how they knew about the girls, but the questions wouldn’t come out. ‘You don’t like sea travel?’

  ‘Not hiding below decks I don’t, but I wouldn’t mind doing it again if I was allowed on top.’

  ‘Now they’re safe do you have to go back?’

  ‘They’re far from safe and you know it.’

  ‘They are when I’m with them.’

  Asima folded her arms. ‘You’d better hurry up and get a home sorted for them.’

  ‘You’re as bad as the others. So how come you only approached them when they were in trouble?’

  ‘I was told to just watch them until their father appeared.’

  Alex was about to say something when he felt his shirt tugged, and looked down to see Adhara.

  ‘Papa, we gotta problem.’

  ‘And what problem is that?’

  ‘Well, I wanna watch “The Pink Princess” and Sar wants to watch “Why my dog is called Cedric”.’

  Alex smiled, and stepped over to the newspaper which was opened out on the coffee table. He studied it for a couple of minutes. ‘OK, from twelve ‘til two we can watch the princess, and from two ‘til four we can watch the dog.’ The girls obviously thought it was a wonderful idea as they gave him another hug.

  ‘Thanks, Papa,’ they both said.

  Not everyone was happy however, as he heard a groan behind him, it came from James. ‘I need a pay rise.’

  ‘I just gave you one.’

  ‘I thought that was danger money, not watching children’s films.’

  Alex laughed. ‘Don’t worry I’m sure you and these ladies can watch something else.’

  Blaze stared at him in surprise. ‘You mean us?’

  ‘Of course, I didn’t think you’d want to miss the girl’s first trip to the cinema.’

  ‘I’d love to go . . . I just wasn’t expecting an invite.’

  ‘Why not? The girls would love you to come with us.’

  Blaze smiled, which grew bigger, when the girls ran over and hugged her.

  Alex felt hungry. ‘It’s time we were off.’

  Adhara frowned. ‘Aw, Papa, so soon?’

  ‘I’ve some work to do, and I need to get a new phone.’

  ‘Why, is yours broke?’

  ‘No, sweetheart, the battery runs out too fast.’

  ‘Can we have your old one?’ said Sarin hopefully. ‘Does it have any games on?’

  A sudden realisation came to him — they had escaped the house with everything they owned. ‘You don’t have a phone do you?’

  Sarin shook her head. ‘Nope, never had one.’

  ‘I’ll buy you both one.’

  ‘Really? Will they have games on them?’

  ‘As many as you want, do you have many clothes?’ he said, and Blaze raised an eyebrow. She didn’t say anything as George told her Alex had only just gained custody of his daughters.

  Adhara’s mouth twisted. ‘We’ve some our friends gave us.’

  Alex picked her up. ‘Change of plan for tomorrow.’

  ‘We not gonna watch the films now?’

  ‘Yeah, but first thing in the morning we’ll go clothes shopping and anything else you might need.’ Alex received more hugs from two happy girls as a vision came into his mind. He saw them locked in a bedroom, filling envelopes, completely exhausted. He saw the man shouting at them with a belt in his hand. Alex could feel the anger grow inside, but pushed it back as he was holding Adhara.

  ‘You OK, Papa?’

  ‘Yes, sweetheart, I was just thinking.’ He kissed the girls before he and the other men left.

  ‘I wasn’t expecting you to leave so soon,’ said George.

  Alex looked out the window while waving at the girls as the car drove off. ‘Me neither, what day is it today?’

  ‘It’s Tuesday, why?’

  ‘I haven’t eaten since Thursday, and I’m rather hungry now.’

  ‘Did you forget?’

  ‘For the most part I was too busy being ill, and I guess when my body healed it also sustained me.’

  ‘Was it the girls roast dinner what made you remember you should try eating something?’ said James.

  ‘Yeah, and the chocolate cake. Are you both going to join me? I don’t mind paying.’

  ‘I’d love too,’ said George.

  ‘Same here,’ said James, keeping his eyes on the road as he drove. ‘That’s if you can afford it of course.’

  George glanced at Alex. ‘You don’t look too happy.’

  ‘There’s something else,’ said Alex, now a lot more serious, and told them about the couple who had kidnapped the girls.

  George’s face turned pale. ‘Do you know who they are?’

  Alex leant back in his seat. ‘No, but I know where they live.’

  James stopped the car. ‘We could pay them a visit now.’

  ‘I was just thinking the same.’

  ‘No,’ said George. ‘Let me know where they live, and I’ll get it sorted in a proper and legal way.’
  Alex considered it. ‘You’re probably right.’

  ‘You don’t need that kind of attention. What I want to know is how you knew Asima was an illegal in this country?’

  Alex shrugged and tapped his head. ‘I don’t know . . . it was like a vision I had. It’s like I’m remembering stuff, and images keep jumping into my mind. I don’t see how that can happen as I have a good memory, and remember everything from when I was eight. What I don’t understand is why this was set up for me to save the girls that night, and not before when they were at the other house.’

  ‘I’ve no idea,’ said George. ‘It was the date we were given.’

  ‘Asima only arrived the day they escaped, and I wonder if it was to protect the girls or to save my life.’ Alex rubbed his temples. ‘I’m not the same person I was.’

  ‘You did say your body had been healed.’

  ‘No, I don’t mean that. I don’t know how the girls can be mine, but they are.’ Alex looked out the window. ‘You told me people have been leaving me money, but why would they?’

  George pursed his lips. ‘The money for the most part was owed, and they just passed it on.’

  Alex nodded, but also believed George was keeping something from him. ‘It was one man who told them. He set this all up, and for some reason he chose me.’

  ‘Well,’ said James. ‘They are your daughters.’

  ‘Yeah, but there’s more to it. I’m not just here to protect them . . . I have another task.’

  George raised an eyebrow. ‘Does it frighten you?’

  Alex smiled. ‘No, I’ve never been frightened of anything in my life, well not for myself.’

  ‘Not even when you had your accident?’

  ‘No. I’m not trying to sound cocky, but I’ve never felt like I was in any danger. I believe it had something to do with my mother.’

  They dined at a local pub, as it was the only place James knew where they could get something similar to what the girls had. Afterwards they dropped George off at his office. Alex walked down the high street to a mobile phone shop, and emerged almost an hour later carrying a large box.

  James opened the door. ‘You seem to like big boxes.’

  ‘It was the only one they had.’

  ‘Not more chocolate?’

  ‘No, do you ever tell lies?’

  ‘Never have, why do you ask?’

  ‘I wanted to pay the contracts on these up front, but they wouldn’t let me. I’m not sure if Blaze will accept one unless it was already paid for, and it would get left unused.’

  ‘Ah, I can help there, and might embellish it.’

  Alex opened the box and passed James a smaller one with a phone inside. ‘This one’s for you.’

  ‘How did you know I needed one?’

  ‘I didn’t, but I thought you would like one, and they did offer me a good deal as there were six of them.’ He took out another box and put it on the back seat. ‘That was mine.’

  ‘Was yours?’

  Alex took his new phone out of his pocket. ‘My old one, the new ones are ready to use. Can you take this box to Blaze and give her the letter?’

  ‘That’ll be no problem, where you off to?’

  ‘To see if George has had a word with the man in charge of restoring the mansion.’

  James drove off, and Alex walked down to Mizar & sons. He had to press a button, where a young woman behind the desk looked up, and the door buzzed to let him in.

  ‘Can I help you?’ she asked.

  ‘I’ve come to see George Mizar.’

  ‘Do you have an appointment? Only he’s busy at the moment.’

  ‘No, but I’m the one keeping him busy, I’m Alex Aylward.’

  ‘Mr Aylward.’ The woman stood and looked surprised as if she was containing a lot of excitement. ‘Father has been talking about you.’

  ‘He’s your father — shouldn’t it be Mizar, Sons and Daughters?’

  The curly-haired woman laughed, ‘No, my lord . . . I mean, Mr Aylward, I’m just filling in for his secretary while she’s on holiday. Follow me.’

  ‘Please call me Alex,’ he said, taken aback at the lord reference. He followed her up the stairs where she knocked on a door.

  ‘Come in,’ said a voice he knew belonged to George.

  ‘Father, Alex would like to see you.’

  ‘Very good, just the man I wanted to see.’

  Alex entered the office, and saw another man sitting at the desk.

  ‘Let me introduce you to Ron Stevens,’ said George. ‘He’ll be overseeing the work on the mansion.’

  The man stood up, he was about an inch shorter than Alex, but stockier with long brown hair tied up in a ponytail. ‘Pleased to meet you,’ he said happily, while holding out his hand.

  ‘Likewise,’ said Alex, shaking the hand offered before sitting himself in a comfy leather chair. ‘Has George filled you in?’

  ‘Yes,’ said Ron, as he sat down. ‘I’ll go down to the council office tomorrow to get the licences we need so I can get started.’

  ‘You do know the inside of the mansion isn’t to be touched? Apart from cleaning all the rubbish out, of course.’

  ‘Yes, as you’re not sure what you want doing yet.’

  ‘It won’t be long as I’ve an idea which needs perfecting.’ Alex did have an idea, as he saw the mansion in his dreams. The layout was confusing him, as were the people who would be working there.

  Ron leant forward on the desk. ‘Do you believe there’ll be much work involved, apart from what I already know of the place?’

  ‘Oh yes, and I believe it’ll cost me a great deal of money to get it finished.’

  George smiled. ‘You know you shouldn’t give a man in his trade so much information?’

  Ron looked injured by it. ‘You’ve known me a long time now, George, I’d never take advantage.’

  ‘I’m sure our friend is teasing you,’ said Alex, ‘but there’ll be plenty to do, and I’ve a feeling there’ll be a deadline.’

  ‘A deadline?’

  ‘Yeah, but I believe you’ll have plenty of warning.’

  Ron rubbed his temples. ‘OK, we can’t start on the inside, but what about outside?’

  ‘The outside is to stay the same, it just needs renovating, and new windows of course.’

  ‘Ah good, I can remove the old windows and get them sized up for the new ones.’

  Alex nodded. ‘Any work being done is a bonus.’

  ‘I’ll have men there in the morning.’

  ‘You like to get started straight away I see.’

  ‘I like to be prepared, and what you need doing now will keep me busy for the next few weeks.’

  * * *

  James arrived at Blaze’s house, and carried the box inside, before passing her the letter. He smiled at the two little girls who had expectant looks on their faces.

  Blaze read the first few lines. ‘I can’t accept one, it’s a nice gesture but I have to refuse.’

  James pushed his blond hair away from his eyes. ‘I can understand why you feel that way, but it’s sort of paid for.’

  Blaze raised an eyebrow. ‘How do you mean . . . sort of?’

  ‘They’re contract phones, and will be paid for whether you use them or not.’

  ‘It doesn’t sit right when someone gives me gifts for no reason.’

  ‘Don’t think of it so much as a gift but more of a necessity, it’s so the six of us will always be in contact.’

  ‘Is this you talking, James, or Mr Aylward?’

  ‘You’ve known me long enough now, Blaze, I’d never try to get you to go against your principles. If I didn’t believe it was right, I wouldn’t do it.’

  She did know him and trust him, there were only two men she trusted, and the other was George Mizar. ‘I take it you have one?’

  ‘Yeah, I’m not a phone person, but I can’t wait to play with it.’

  ‘You sure it’s not so he can summon you at any time?’

shrugged. ‘Maybe, but it’s what I’m paid for and I love my job, I get bored if I’m not driving.’

  ‘Very well, I’ll take one, and I believe these two are waiting to see what’s in the box.’ She looked down at the twins who had big smiles on their faces.

  ‘Is there anything in the box for us, Auntie?’ said Adhara.

  ‘Yes, honey, let me read the letter off your father first and you can have them.’ Blaze looked at the letter. ‘Inside the box are four phones, one each for the girls, and one for you and Asima. The phones are ready to use, with unlimited calls and texts so please use them as much as you want. Each of our numbers has been put in all phones but do add as many as you like. There are games on them for the girls, or anyone who might get bored, so please feel free to download other games or music you like . . . Alex.’

  Blaze opened the box and gave the girls a smaller one each, and one to Asima who looked unsure what to do with it. The girls had already taken the phones out of their boxes; they were the latest iPhone’s.

  ‘What’s Papa doin’?’ Sarin asked James.

  ‘He’s in a meeting with George, but it shouldn’t be for much longer.’

  The girls carried on playing with their phones, but Blaze just looked at hers.

  ‘You OK?’ James asked her.

  ‘I’m not sure, he gives me a gift but soon he’ll take the girls away.’

  ‘It’s never bothered you before.’

  ‘They were usually women I looked after, but these two are children and I’ve gotten quite attached to them.’

  James looked at the twins. ‘I can see how that could happen, but I think there’ll be some part for you to play in their lives.’

  ‘I don’t see how, he’s going to take them away.’ Blaze sighed. ‘All my friends live around here and I could never leave them.’

  ‘This might be hard for you, but all I can say is trust Alex to do the right thing.’

  ‘I want to, and wish that I could. Anyway what do you do with this thing?’

  ‘I’ve no idea,’ he said, looking at his phone. And I’ve no idea why I told you to trust Alex, he thought.

  * * *

  Alex was shaking hands with Ron Stevens when James pulled up. ‘How did it go with the girls?’ he said, as he got in the car.

  ‘Not bad, Blaze and Asima took one, and the little ones loved their phones. You’ll most likely get a call off them soon.’